Thursday, October 2, 2014

This week in our lives...

Scott and I had a really eventful week.

Scott flew out to California to sponsor Mike Tyson's one man show called The Undisputed Truth. He spent 2 blissful days with Mike, traveling with him to appearances, grabbing lunch, playing video games and getting to know him better. Mike even told him some new stories about Cus. They were really able to build more trust and strengthen their friendship. 

Meanwhile, back at the Manhattan Ranch, the babies and I had another big anatomy scan. Since Scott was in California, his parents came with me to the appointment. My favorite sonographer, Nagina, showed us so many fun baby parts!  Turns out the babies turned and they are now both head down!!! This is huge news!  If they stay this way (at least Baby A needs to), we can try for a vaginal delivery, which would be a dream come true for me! While, I'm trying to let go of expectations, and just focus on growing healthy full term nuggets, I would still prefer to deliver them naturally. Lots of people forget that Cesearan Sections are major abdominal surgery. It would be less than ideal to have to recover from that with 2 newborns in the house. Both babies being vertex, also means that I have 4 tiny feet kicking me in the belly button. If you recall to my 20 week update, I complained about belly button pain. It's all making sense!  

In other developments, the babies both weigh 1 pound and are in the 50th percentile for growth. I'm so happy they're growing so well.  And then the funniest story that we came away with from the scan involves watching the babies interact with each other. We were looking at our Little Man's perfect little brain when his sister's hand came into focus. We watched in shock as she gently poked him in the eye and then lightly popped him on the nose!!! Looks like our little princess is playing dirty!  When we focused back on our little baby boy, we noticed that he had turned away from her as if to say "Forget you! I'm outta here!"  Ironically that caused him to moon us!!

Check out this cute tushy and those little crossed feet (and that perfect spine)!

And this is Baby Girl gloating over getting more camera time. 

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